Holiday Eating – Set Yourself Up to Win!

Holiday Eating – Set Yourself Up to Win!

So it begins, the Holiday fun and frenzy which typically includes an abundance of food specifically baked goods, casseroles, and very high-calorie morsels. Here are some tips to set yourself up to win the wellness game.

First, set a goal that leads you into the New Year. Is the goal to maintain OR to lose weight OR maybe your goal is to exercise more by picking up another fitness class at the gym. Write down the goal and put it somewhere visible so you can remind yourself when you are getting ready for a big shindig. Many people do not set a specific goal that is realistic during this time of year and then they just give up!
So you know you might eat a few more bites of deliciousness at the fancy Holiday luncheon . . . Think about eating a low-calorie meal for breakfast and dinner to compensate. An idea might be to start with a protein shake – I like the Arbonne vegan shake mixed with almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana and a dash of cinnamon. A filling breakfast under 300 calories. Many times people will go into a big meal after fasting and find they end up eating more. Then for dinner have a large salad with extra veggies on the side and maybe skip the animal protein since it is calorically dense. Plan around big events but do not skip meals.
You don’t always get to bring a side dish but if you do, make sure it is something you like and is especially healthy. It’s funny – I end up bringing home an empty dish when I do this. Sometimes I just bring a platter of fruit – strawberries, blueberries and whatever is in season. Around Thanksgiving, if I am invited to a potluck, I bring a green leafy salad with cranberries, walnuts, goat or feta cheese and a bottle of lite rasberry walnut vinegrette. Fits well with most Holiday meals and I promise others will appreciate a healthy option.
Many times we go from holiday party to party which can add stress and a frenzy that becomes exhausting. What and who matters most to you? Consider thinking about the fellowship and who you want to connect with instead of the food and the frenzy. Also, ask yourself how many holiday parties you want to go to and consider declining based on the value of the fellowship and on your health goals.
One of the best reasons to plan is that if you don’t plan, someone will do it for you and you’ll find yourself at some mixer or event and realize that you are missing out on the true reason for the season! Happy Healthy Holidays! gina
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